Darryl Savage's Annapolis waterfront home boasts an all-white color palette & a 100 foot deck along the back of the house over the river. Below, the view is amazing!!
Darryl owns & runs DHS Designs' Antiques in Potomac, Maryland and the website has me drooling!!! With clients like as Charlotte Moss, it's no wonder!!
Below if a view of his living room, with photos taken a few years ago. I have to say, the photos featured in the Post Magazine were a little more to my taste... It's been restyled a bit and there's now a very cool huge white paper mache hippo in the living room. The all white-palette with hits of black perfectly showcases the views.
Darryl's motto with this house was "Bring on the bling."

The ancient statues at attention along the window are incredible!! Somehow, though, Darryl manages to make it all look fun instead of serious.

His bedroom, below features more black than the rest of the home. Check out his leather dresser to the back left!!! (Again, the Post's view of this room is better and you can check out all those photos here)

Here's another shot from a differet photo

And check out his 22-year old daughter's bedroom, below. The walls are done in glass beads, the floors are seamless white marble and the chandelier is pink crystal. Lucky girl!!
One of my favorite things to hear was that Darryl says his neighbors roll their eyes at him, always wondering what crazy thing he'll do next. Currently, huge Chinese statues are out front. Who knows what else he's got in store??
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