{Justin "up-up-up-downing" at our McDonald's makeshift picnic on our roadtrip home}
Before we left though, we did get some fishing in at the lake...
I'm a terrible fisherman ("fisherwoman" just sounded odd there) but I love it now that Christian has so much fun doing it:
He kept reeling it in and seeing the minnow (for bait) on the hook and thinking he'd caught "a little fish!" (We didn't have the heart to tell him.)
Dave's learning too...
I love those cloudy days at the lake where you just relax. There's gray beauty everywhere...
{"One-two-three-four-five-six-seven... SEVEN snails" says Christian}
He was so excited to catch his very first bass with his Nanoo (my dad)... (It was definitely the smallest bass we'd ever seen ;)
My dad's an awesome fisherman and even mounted "my" very first bass that I caught at four years old. Here he is now in the playhouse:
I wasn't ready to leave for home but I guess it's always better to leave while you're still having fun. We're finally home from an amazing time in NY at Eddie & Jaithan's where we got to see & meet some amazing blogging friends in person. ...Debra of5th and State, Patricia of PVE Design, Michele of My Notting Hill, and the Vamp (Valorie of Visual Vamp) to name a few... it was like meeting old friends and they're just as amazing as you'd expect in 'real' life. As my usual I'm-having-too-much-fun-to-take-pictures-self, I didn't take any but in true Eddie & Jaithan fashion, you can bet it was beautiful. And when I got home, there was a beautiful package waiting for me from Patricia who had no idea we were even going to meet when she's sent it the week before:
She'd found an amazing book that she thought I'd love for $1 and sent it to me! (Now this is the kind of person I want to be. She's so incredibly thoughtful and generous!! And seriously chic- oh my goodness!) Anyway, It's called Found Style by Amy and David Butler and the photos are incredible:
I plan on taking some time this week to read it and another book (Living With What You Love) this week ad am attempting to decompress from our whirlwind of driving.
I've got a great week set up with clients to get back into the swing of things (if any of you are reading I missed you!! ;) ... tonight we had an awesome dinner- a Greek Salad with ground tukey (I swear it's good) and life is beautiful.
I hope you're having a great summer too& are enjoying any minute you can.

ps- This is so odd, but for the past 5-7 days or so, I haven't been able to type... I don't know what's up but it's worse than usual!! (I keep mixing up all the letters and leaving letters out.... ??hahaha .... ok only funny if it stops.)
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