{Our dining room server }
About a year ago, I came across a silverplated vintage peanut and snapped it up because it's one of those pieces that just makes me happy. It's definitely not something to be taken seriously and adds a little fun anywhere it goes. I've seen another 1 or 2 of them out and aboupt since then and just love them.
It's marked "F.B. ROGERS Silverplate." The company was founded in 1883 in Massachusetts and is still in business today. When I picked it up I thought it was such a cool piece and pictured reproducing it. Well, you've heard the saying "there are no new ideas..." Last weekend at High Point I walked into Go Home's showroom and there was my silver peanut! Doppelganged!! They're set to be retailed around $50 each. Here's their version:
It's pretty much identical except for the inside of the new peanuts are silver, whereas mine is gold:
{Yum yum... see my reflecion in the peanut?} I didn't have any peanuts to put inside so I went with almonds instead.
The peanut is set out on a little bar tray ready to be enjoyed with some Fall cocktails:
{Bar tray dressed with weeds from my garden in a vintage silver creamer}
What are your thoughts on reproductions? I sway between loving the idea of having things more accessible and available to the idea of keeping things rare & unique. I personally love finding my own treasures but it's not always a possibility for everyone... Very torn.
Have a beautiful weekend!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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