{where plants go to die... my house}
I love the fun little "garden corner" vignette that photographer Helen Norman & I did during our photo shoot. We thought it would be fun to show how you can take a simple corner in your living room and turn it into a little plant haven. The "ball" you see is actually a little pot of baby's tears turned in its side. (you know how I love balls.)
Helen & her assistant, FJ Hughes, are amazing and I cannot thank them enough for the day. I abosolutely loooooove plants & especially fresh green ones like ferns and the baby's tears & pearl somethings I found that we used this past week. I am trying so desperately to keep them alive and would love any tips. I've been misting daily. Like a misting freak. So this better do it.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend and have a beautiful one!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
*photo by Helen Norman
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