The power went out last night & we sleep in a pretty cool house so we didn't really notice it until this morning. We got a fire going in the wood-burning stove and it toasted up our entire lower level, where the family-room-combination-office is. We had breakfast (cereal with MILK! ;) at my work table and got all cozy by the fire. I took the pic above with my cell phone & thought I could beat the power outage and post from my ipad but I couldn't figure out how to get the pic up from the ipad! ah vell.
We took the kids out in the snow & Justin (above, 1) loooved it. He was watching a snowball fight between Daddy & Christian:
{Yes, that's a snowball pelted at my 3 year-old's head. My husband's a bit like Dumb & Dumber in the snow. He hit me with one and it was seriously like a baseball... I guess it makes us tough??? }
Anyway, onto the office. I've been needing more storage and we have the room for it so on a whim we decided to go for these shelves (from Target) last night. (We've beein toying with the idea of built-ins but want to keep the room open for alternate arrangements) Dave made it home just before things got really crazy around here snow-traffic-wise. I'm thrilled with the results:
I haven't really organized it yet and I still have some empty cubbies. Much of my gear is in our laundry room & Dave's work-out room so I'm going to bring out only the most-used items.
(empty cubby hiding behind Schumacher bag ;)
I put my ink pads & stamps in this old hammered ice bucket and I know I'm just begging for little Justin to come explore. (He loves to carry things with handles.)
I've never really shown you what all is in my office so I thought I'd share some peeks. Inside this little closet (which is next to the new cubby shelves) I keep some of my smaller fabric samples in color-coded clear plastic bins. I prefer to pull my fabric swatches from their books unless it's a book of solids like linens or velvets:
{The printer & a bunch of other junk also lives in here.}
Larger fabric samples go in the hallway (most of them are Schumacher in case anyone spies anything they have to have in the pic;) and are grommeted and attached with shower rings to curtain rods we hung:
looooove my pretties...
...And just to keep it real, here's the view I never show:
I'm working on this spot. I want to add more shelving up to the top and turn the whole area into the spot for my active client boxes, which store swatches & samples for each invidual client. Completed job boxes go in a less-accessible area. And that poor thing hanging on the wall is one big mess. For now it houses all of the miscellaneous pads & notebooks I've accumulated so that I remember to use them... but there's definitely a better way to use this space. I'm getting there ;)
..Okay, and because I like to end positively, here's one last look at my new cubbies:
{Do you spy our candle collection?? Leftover from the power outage}
This little addition gave us some much-needed breathing room and I just love that feeling.
I think I'll leave a couple cubbies empty for quick "mess stashes.."
And I'm going to go now because I'm doing more organizing. ahhhhh so happy.

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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