My cousin, Jen, is getting married this summer so my mom & I had a shower for her this weekend. The invitations (above) were from Target and I have to tell you how easy they were to do. They came as blank cards and I followed the link on the back of the package to an online template that I filled out with our information and printed them out at home. I truly am not tech-savvy and it was a breeze. (Except for the fact that I printed them all out with the wrong date the first time- eeek!! Thank goodness the back of the cards was blue too.)
{Jen is third from the left and she's standing next to our other cousin, Shelly}
My Aunt Allison made the most amazing bread:
{Seriously??? I want to do this!}
The wedding is in Puerto Rico so my family whipped up some authentic Puerto Rican dishes:
{I can't remember the name but really yummy seafood stew}
...And you poured the stew over these potato balls:
{Again, I forget the name!!}
And seafood salad:
And I not-so-authentically picked up a bunch of sausage-egg breakfast burritoes from Anita's:
For flowers, I filled a few different milk glass urns with pinky-peach roses, tulips, perivian lilies and fresh white freesia:
{smell so goooood}
Jen's colors for the wedding are coral & aqua.
{loved this "mr and mrs" paper}
Here's a picture of the ladies in my family:
{My Grandmother is in the center with her 3 daughters & all of the granddaughters}
And I loved this cup tower my cousin made. I did knock it halfway over but she doesn't know that:
{I put it back, don't worry, I'm not evil.}
And my mom baked a rum pansy cake:
{Soooo good and too pretty to eat, but we did anyway.}
Anyway, the shower was great & we headed out that night for her bachelorette party. I don't have any pictures of that as they were confiscated. (haha no, totally kidding, I just didn't bring my camera.)
The DC Design House final party was also Saturday evening before the bachelorette and it was at Skip & Debbie Singleton's home in DC. I am kicking myself for not getting any photos because their back yard is my dream yard: Pool set right into the grass with some checkerboard slate in areas arround it. HEAVEN. I'm so glad to have gotten the chance to be a part of the showhouse and to have met so many great new friends.
update- got a pic!! :
And my little sister was confirmed on Sunday!! I can't believe how old she's getting!! (which means I'm getting even older! We're 15 years apart.) I was her sponsor and the Mass was beautiful. Congrats Morgan if you're reading!!
I'm off to start the day -kids still haven't woken up & how amazing is that?!! ;)
Hope your weekend was great!!

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