Anyway, we had a really great break! We dyed Easter eggs:
And the Easter Bunny hid them:
My children had peeps for breakfast:
peep! peep!
{they're honestly really gross to me but they are pretty cute.}
The kids looked far & wide for eggs:
Our backyard was pretty muddy but that didn't stop them:
I set an Easter table & we had our family over.
{I used a massive piece of peachy-pink & aqua woven paisley fabric that I bought a while back as the table cloth. It usually hangs out in our family room as a throw blanket.}
I topped it with a frayed aqua linen remnant and then loaded it with aqua bottles of daffodils from my garden as last-minute easy centerpieces.
{I pretty much do everything in my own home last-minute, so I was lucky that I'd even planted my daffodil bulbs last-minute (this March!) and they came up late enough that they just bloomed this past week & I had flowers for Easter.}
We made eggs with everyone's names on them for placeholders:
{I only took a pic of this one because I took the pics before the party & didn't want the eggs all sitting out.}
My mom made these beautiful pansy cupcakes:
{She used actual pansies, which are edible}
...And I turned 29!
~And there it didn't rain!~
It almost always rains on my birthday so we were shocked when the sun held out & we had temperatures in the 80s.
Hope you had a happy Easter & I'm so envious of any of you that are still on vacation!!!

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