{Tracy Porter's little cutie pie}
While at the Design Blogger's Conference in LA a little while back, I got to meet one of the most inspiring, energetic & gorgeous women I've ever met in my life: Tracy Porter.
{Just love her style!!}
Tracy's philosophy is all about being true to yourself and getting inspired by everything around you. She's so excited about life, which comes accross so clearly when you read her blog or meet her. Tracy designs and sells her own lines of clothing, jewelry, accessories, rugs, lighting, furniture & home decor. When Tracy contacted me about doing a giveaway on Pure Style Home, I was so excited. She's giving one of our readers a $250 gift certificate for her store, which you can view here. There are so many products to choose from but I wanted to share a few of my favorites with you. (ie the things I covet ;)
{I looooove this fish bone pendant!! So detailed, which is a trademark of her style.}
{awesome cocktail ring = rrrrrar}
{This rug gives me a good feeling. I'm not sure what it is about it, but somehow it reminds me of something from my childhood that I just can't quite place. love it}
{Dying to use these Empress Wing Chairs in a project!}
{Oh yes... see the details?!}
{ahhhhh so romantic!!}
{I love the femining details on these boots}
{Silvered lantern, yes please!}
And finally, I love this pic of Tracy & one of her (4!) sons:
{Green floral Hoodie = perfection!!}
I think it's so amazing to see people going after their dreams and creating something special & personal. If you haven't checked out Tracy's blog, click here and be sure to check out her videos.
To enter the giveaway for a chance to win $250 to spend at Tracy Porter.com, just leave a comment in the comments section telling us about a simple pleasure you like to enjoy... Just something small that makes you happy. The giveaway will be up all week!

ps- A simple pleasure I like to indulge in is eating outside. My husband surprised me today (Sunday) by picking me up from a long day at the DC Design House with a picnic dinner and it was just awesome. There's something about being outside that seems to make food taste better.
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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